Simmetria in generale
- Hermann Weyl - Symmetry (1989)
- Eugene Paul Wigner - Symmetries and Reflections: Scientific Essays (1979)
- Gian Carlo Ghirardi - Simmetrie. Nell’arte e nella scienza (2019)
- Gian Carlo Ghirardi - Simmetrie. Principi e forme naturali (2019)
- Elena Castellani - Simmetria e Natura. Dalle armonie delle figure alle invarianze delle leggi (2000)
- Vincenzo Barone - L’ordine del mondo. Le simmetrie in fisica da Aristotele a Higgs (2013)
- Joe Rosen - Symmetry Rules How Science and Nature Are Founded on Symmetry (2008)
- Pietro Giuseppe Fré - A Conceptual History of Space and Symmetry. From Plato to the Superworld (2018)
- Kathleen Brading, Elena Castellani (a cura di) - Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections (2010)
- Klaus Mainzer - Symmetry and Complexity. The Spirit and Beauty of Nonlinear Science (2005)
- György Darvas - Symmetry. Cultural-historical and Ontological Aspects of Science-Arts Relations
Articoli, appunti di lezioni e risorse online:
Simmetria in matematica: divulgazione
- John H. Conway, Heidi Burgiel, Chaim Goodman-Strauss - The Symmetries of Things
- Ian Stewart - Symmetry A Very Short Introduction
- Ian Stewart - Why Beauty Is Truth. The History of Symmetry L’eleganza della verità. Storia della simmetria - Ian Stewart, Martin Golubitsky - Fearful Symmetry: Is God a Geometer?
trad. it. Terribili simmetrie. Dio è un geometra? (1995) - Marcus Du Sautoy - Finding Moonshine: A Mathematician’s Journey Through Symmetry (2012) Il disordine perfetto: L’avventura di un matematico nei segreti della simmetria - Alan Holden - Shapes, Spaces and Symmetry
Simmetria in Fisica: divulgazione
Dwight E. Neuenschwander - Emmy Noether’s Wonderful Theorem (2011)
Elena Castellani - Simmetria e realtà - Le Scienze Quaderni 118 (2001)
Richard P. Feynamn - Six not-so-easy piece, cap. 2 “Symmetry in Physical Laws” Sei pezzi meno facili.
Stephen Blundell - Superconductivity: A Very Short Introduction, cap. 6 “Symmetry” (2009) Superconduttività.
Alan Holden, Phylis Singer - La struttura dei cristalli. L’ordine nella natura
Kerson Huang - Fundamental Forces of Nature. The Story of Gauge Fields
Leon M. Lederman, Christopher T. Hill - Symmetry and the Beautiful Universe
Bruce A. Schumm - Deep Down Things. The Breathtaking Beauty of Particle Physics (2004)
Anthony Zee - Fearful Symmetry. The Search for Beauty in Modern Physics- (2007)
Frank Close - Lucifer’s Legacy. The Meaning of Asymmetry (2013)
Articoli, appunti di lezioni e risorse online:
Introduzione alla teoria dei gruppi
- Nathan Carter - Visual Group Theory (2009)
- John Stillwell - Naive Lie Theory
- Kristopher Tapp - Symmetry A Mathematical Exploration
- David W. Farmer - Groups and symmetry A guide to discovering mathematics
- D.L. Herrmann, P.J. Sally Jr. - Number, Shape, & Symmetry. An Introduction to Number Theory, Geometry, and Group Theory (2012)
- Lara Alcock - How to Think About Abstract Algebra (2021)
- Charles C. Pinter - A Book of Abstract Algebra (2010)
Introduzione alla teoria dei gruppi per fisici
- Stephen Haywood - Symmetries and Conservation Laws in Particle Physics. An Introduction to Group Theory for Particle Physicists (2010)
- Roy McWeeny - Symmetry: An Introduction to Group Theory and Its Applications
- Anthony Zee - Group Theory in a Nutshell for Physicists
- Nadir Jeevanjee - Introduction to Tensors & Group Theory For Physicists
Simmetria in Fisica: Approfondimenti
- Arnout Ceulemans, Pieter Thyssen - Shattered symmetry group theory from the eightfold way to the periodic table
- Jakob Schwichtenberg - Physics from Symmetry
- Kurt Sundermeyer - Symmetries in Fundamental Physics
Articoli, appunti di lezioni e risorse online: