The headquarters of the Science Park was at Marciana, in the north west of the Island of Elba
In 1990 he left the University of Rome for military service in the Navy, and must give up the opportunity for a doctorate research in mathematical physics at CUNY (New York City University). After completing his commitment in 1992 he won a scholarship for a three-year training course in neural networks, artificial intelligence and biolectronics. The scholarship was sponsored by industry (S.T. Microelectronics), to explore the possibility of a dedicated chip that implemented an artificial neural network in hardware, within the national research plan for bioelectronics.
In Marciana was located also TechnoBioChip, a bioelectronics and nanotech startup
The training plan includes courses on neural nets, computer science, microelectronics, courses in industrial research management at master level, and three years of work as researcher, divided in an year and a half at the Institute of Biophysics of the University of Genoa, and another year and a half at the PST-Elba, Scientific and Technological Park of the Island of Elba, Marciana (LI). The PST-Elba was a consortium that includes five major public universities, big companies ST Microelectronics, Elsag Baley, Alenia Spazio, Farmitalia, startup as TechnoBioChip and others public and private organizations.
Among the teachers of the postgraduate training course for researchers the professors Claudio Nicolini, Carlo Croce, Federico Capasso, Federico Faggin, Giorgio Baccarani, Neri Niccolai in the picture, and many others.
In Genoa he collaborates also with CSITA (Information and Telematic Services Center of the University). It manages IT networks and services by developing and installing WWW sites from 1993 among the first in Italy, at the CSITA f the University, Genoa) and Technobiochip (Marciana, Livorno). For this purpose both proprietary Unix systems (Sun Solaris, Silicon Graphics, HP-UX and AIX) and the new Linux operating system are used.
In 1996 he founded FreeNet ST and carries out projects of telematic services for businesses (tourism, biochemical, microelectronic sectors, …), also financed by the European Union. One of the first websites created, Virtual Elba, won a 1996 PC-World award for the best tourist e-commerce portal. At the end of the scholarship remain another 4 years at the PST Elba as responsible for for Internet services and Unix systems for the National Bioelectronics Pole, PST Elba, ELBACOM Srl (ISP technical director), APT Arcipelago Toscano.
A view from Pisan Fortress of Marciana
The very small and enchanting Cotoncello beach near Marciana
The interest in scientific culture remained alive in Marciana, with the ElbaTech spinoff of Science Park, and annual conferences organized by prof. Neri Niccolai